Saturday, July 19, 2008


so several of my friends are at
the summer CHA (craft & hobby
association) show in chicago, illinois
while i'm at home wishing i were
with them!! *pout* :( :( :(

so, i've been surfing the web spying
out scrappy products from the show
& i've found some GREAT stuff that
i can't WAIT to get my hands on!!! :)

if i see red....i love it!!!


and 7 gypsies has an AWESOME new RED collection, too!!

and these are my new FAVE releases from
basic grey:

OFFBEAT , AMBROSIA, and GRANOLA to find more goodies to drool over....
and i did have some fun of my own creating
a layout with my new unity stamps from
the july kit of the month!! :)


~*Michele*~ said...

I'm sitting here pouting with ya! Love the layout :)

Carla said...

Hoo did the best layout with the mushrooms and owls? YOU DID! Love it! We missed you at CHA too...but hey there is always the October retreat!!!!