Wednesday, November 26, 2008

blah, blah, blah...

so today is just another day that i've been
feeling blah. i have friends who are hurting
something terrible right now...and yet i worry
over the stupidest crap!
do you ever let
things bother you WAY more than they should?
do you ever feel like being completely childish
and lashing out against people that have hurt you?
i know it's so petty in the grand scheme of life....
i'm just not ready to let it go apparently....
at least not yet.
hopefully soon.


Carla said...

there are people in this world that will hurt us along the way, but you just need to hold out to those of us that you can count on and that truly care for you. I hope you are having a wonderful time on the 2nd half of your anniversary celebration. Love ya!

stacey311 said...

Im sorry that your feeling so blah, i hope what ever it is you work through it so you can have some good times :)Im sure that little baby girl can put a smile on your face :)

Sarah E. said...

I'm sorry that you have been blah too. I send my love to you and know that it will all work out for the best.