Thursday, January 01, 2009

HELLO 2009!!!

Can you believe another year is over??
This year seems to have flown by for me....
well, now that i'm here anyway. during the year,
it seemed it would not go by fast enough.
personally, i have felt pretty darn miserable
this year. but my migraine disorder seems
to be manageable now, and i am deeply grateful
for that!!
In comparison to what my friend Carla went through
in 08, i can NOT complain!! I am praying that
she will only experience POSITIVE things in 09!!
So, what do i want to accomplish this year? I've compiled
a list. My philosophy is to set MORE goals than you
think you can accomplish...that way you'll at least
accomplish some of them! LOL! =)
So, here LENGTHY list of goals for 2009:

1. Lose 100 pounds.
2. Exercise daily.
3. Eat more fresh foods/ less processed foods.
4. Go to church more often.
5. Read at least 1 book a month.
6. Stick to our weekly budget.
7. Spend less money eating eating out less!
8. Send birthday cards.
9. Get family pictures taken.
ADIOS #10. Take a picture every day to document life. xxxxxxxxx not doing this one anymore.
11. Clean and declutter EVERY room of the house...get rid of any broken or unused items.
12. Organize my office and keep it that way.
13. Maintain a schedule both at home and work.
14. Wake up earlier.
15. Go to bed earlier.
16. Find non-food ways to celebrate success.
17. Set small goals and reward myself for reaching them.
18. Be more active/ less lazy.
19. Help with the laundry more often.
20. Assign weekly chores for the kids to do....and make them do the chores.

21. Spend more time listening to my friends' problems than talking about my own.

22. Make time to scrap more....possibly when I'm feeling hungry or wanting to snack.

23. Go on a vacation with my family.


Sarah E. said...

Happy New Year! I love your list of goals! I support you and am excited to see your success! XOXOXO

Carla said...

WOW! That's quite a list! 2009 is going to be happy and healthy for all of us!

Lou said...

You've definitely got a lot of goals and I'm sure that you can achieve them!!! Happy 2009!

Alicia Sharp said...

Love your list of goals! I am behind you all the way! I know you can do it!!